lauantaina, huhtikuuta 01, 2006

360 asteen palautteita käsittelevää kirjallisuutta

Oheisena on luettelo tähän mennessä löytämästäni 360 asteen palautteita käsittelevästä kirjallisuudesta.

Mikäli tiedossasi on muuta 360 palautteita käsittelevää kirjallisuutta, tutkimusraportteja tai lehtiartikkeleita toivon sinun täydentävän luetteloa.

Tarkoitukseni on käynnistää luettelossa mainitun kirjallisuuden käsittely syksyn aikana.

360 asteen palautteita käsitteleviä kirjoja

- Bracken, D.W., Timmreck, C.W., Church, A.H., The Handbook of Multisource Feedback, 2001
- Edwards, M.R. and Ewen, A.J., 360° Feedback. The Powerful New Model for employee Assesment & Performance Improvement,1996
- France, S., 360° Appraisal, 1997
- Jones, J.E. and Bearley, W.L., 360 Feedback. Strategies, Tactics and Techniques for Developing Leaders, 1996
- Jude-York, D and Wise, S.L., Multipoint Feddback. A 360° Catalyst for Change, 1997
- Kaplan, R.E. and Palus, C.J., Enhancing 360 –degree feedback for senior Executuves, 1994
- Lepsinger, R. and Lucia, A.D. The Art and Science of 360° Degree Feedback, 1997 - Leslie, and Fleenor, Feedback to Managers, A Review and comparison of multirater Instruments for Management Development, 1998
- Tornow, W.W., London, M. & CCL Associates, Maximizing the Value of 360 –degree Feedback, 1998
- Waldman, D.A. and Atwater, L.E., The Power of 360° Feedback, 1998
- Ward, P., 360 –Degree feedback, 1997

Lehtiartikkeleita 360 asteen palautteista

- Alimo-Metcalfe, B., 360 Degree Feedback and Leadership Development, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, January 1998
- Antonioni, D., Designing an Effective 360-Degree Appraisal Feedback Process, Organizational Dynaics, Autumn 1996
- Fletcher, C., Baldry, C. and Cunningham-Snell, The Psychometric Properties of 360Degree Feedback: An Emirical Study and a Cautionary Tale, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, January 1998
- Payne, T., 360 Degree Assessnent and Feedback, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, January 1998
- Peiperl, M.A., Getting 360° Feedback Right, Harvrd business Review, January 2001
- Rowson, A-M., Using 360 Degree Feedback Instruments up, down and around the world: Implications for global implementation and use of Multi-Rater Feedback, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, January 1998
- Wimer, S. and Nowack, K.M., 13 Common Mistakes Using 360-Degree Feedback, Training & Development, May 1998
- Yukl, G. and Lepsinger, R., How to get most out of 360 Feedback, Training December 1995

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